Tuesday, March 30, 2010


4 months
Height: 24 inches
Weight: 14.9
Percentile: 50%
Sleeping through the night? Nope.
I know I am not a professional photographer by all means, but at least I am taking pictures. Maybe once I get used to taking pictures then I can practice my skills. Here is our boy at 4 months. He has rolled over a couple of times. I am not really sure that he knew what he was doing at the time, but he appreciates the joy and excitement that comes from me when he does it. He smiles much more and can recognize his mommy and daddy's faces. That is fun for us. I have got him to giggle a couple of times, but still has not figured out that that is what he is doing or how to keep doing it. It is so much fun watching him figure things out and grow. His sleep patterns vary from day to day. He still gets up about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours at night. Some days it is rough, but for the most part I do not mind it. My favorite time when he wakes up (beside at 3 AM) is when he wakes up for the day. He gives the biggest smiles and is so happy to see me. It really makes me smile and have a great day.

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